S@Y Cardio Challenges

S@Y Cardio Challenges

S@Y Cardio Challenges


S@Y Climb Challenge:

Each Semester, challenge yourself on our Climbmills.

Can you climb up a mountain?  Hike a scenic route?  Conquer some of the world's highest towers?

These 6 week challenges are designed to keep you moving, keep you motivated and challenge your cardio levels while exploring some of the world's more interesting heights (man made or natural).


March 2nd - April 9th:  Climb the World!

Choose one of the 33 towers found around the world, climb the steps on the climbmill, then pick again. 


S@Y Row Challenge:

Using the indoor rowers (or ERGs), complete the challenge.


March 2nd - April 9th:  So You Think You Can Row?

Choose a distance, row and record.  Try to beat your time, or go for another distance.  The challenge is up to you.


S@Y Marathon Challenges:

Running/walking on the treadmills or our indoor track, test your endurance and complete some of the world's more challenging Marathon routes.


March 2nd - April 9th:  Run Boston

Compete against other students, and run one of the more premier races.  42km is all it takes.