Nichole Parker
Nichole Parker


Hey y’all 

Nichole here, I’m currently a EVLC student in my last semester here at Seneca, although thats not where my academic journey ends. In the fall I will be attending Penn State University for an Advanced Undergraduate Certificate in Turfgrass Management. While still maintaining my position at Magna Golf Club here in Aurora.

Aside from my academics I’ve always been involved in athletics, growing up I played competitive soccer and hockey, I even dabbled in hosting personal  training sessions (sports oriented)  until my first year at Georgian College. Where I steered away from my regimented team sport training, and more towards growing myself as an individual. This is what ultimately led me towards weight training on my own. Training on my own was something I could do for myself, at my own pace and nobody could tell me I wasn’t pushing hard enough anymore. As for team sports I still get involved and love it, however I’m no longer playing at a competitive level.

Always remember, YOU GOT THIS and don’t let anyone tell you different!!