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Mindfulness Scavenger Hunt

Mindfulness Scavenger Hunt

Practicing mindfulness can be challenging at times, so we thought why not make it a scavenger hunt. Intentionally finding and being with the items on this list is supposed to help you make a conscience effort to focus on the now and what is, without judgement. If judgements come, allow them to pass and allow yourself to return to your moment of mindfulness. Don’t be too hard on yourself if your mind wonders, just gently bring your attention back to any of the twelve items you are enjoying at any given time.

King Recreation - @SenecaKingRec
Markham Recreation - @SenecaMarkhamRec
Newnham Recreation - @SenecaNewnhamRec
Seneca@York Recreation - @SenecaYorkRec

King Fitness - @Seneca.King.Fitness
Markham Fitness - @Seneca.Markham.Fitness
Newnham Fitness - @Seneca.Newnham.Fitness
Seneca@York Fitness - @SenecaYorkFitness